University of the Pacific
(Fall 2019 – Spring 2021; Fall 2024 – Present)
COMM 025: Introduction to Communication Studies (2 sections)
Description: Course offers a survey overview of the Communication discipline, focusing on four main areas: Rhetoric; Empirical Social Science; Media & Technology; and Critical/Cultural Studies.
COMM 027: Public Speaking (10 lecture sections)
Description: Course offers students basic training in effective public speaking. Students form, deliver, and evaluate speeches on civically engaging topics.
COMM 050: Communication Technologies (5 sections)
Description: Course details theories and applications of communication technologies, focusing on digital media platforms. Students learn critical concepts as well as skills in web design, image and audio editing, and social media.
COMM 293A: Technology and Social Change (1 section)
Description: This graduate seminar, developed for Spring 2021, examines how communication technologies intersect with social change. Focusing on social justice and race in communication technologies, the seminar trains students in critical, textual, and rhetorical analyses of technologies.
PACS 001: Pacific Seminar – What is a Good Society? (1 section)
Description: Course provides a first-year writing experience for all students at University of the Pacific. The course involves significant reading and writing as an introduction to college learning.
CORE 001: Problem Solving and Oral Communication (1 section)
Description: Course provides a first-year seminar experience for all students at University of the Pacific. The course emphasizes skills in oral communication, problem solving, and information literacy.
University of Denver
(Summer 2022 – Summer 2024)
COMN 1002: Theorizing Communication (4 sections)
Description: Course explores basic principles in theorizing communication from social scientific and rhetorical perspectives. Students learn about methodologies and concepts fundamental to Communication Studies. Co-taught with Dr. Youllee Kim.
COMN 1012: Speaking on Ideas That Matter (4 sections)Description: Course offers students skills in effective public speaking. Students form, deliver, and evaluate speeches on civically engaging topics.
COMN 2300: Fundamentals of Argumentation (3 sections)
Description: Course teaches fundamental processes of argumentation through formal reasoning and practical applications in debate and civic engagement.
Penn State University
Fall 2013 – Fall 2019
CAS 100A: Effective Speech
Description: Course develops effective skills in public speaking. Students form, deliver, and evaluate speeches on civically engaging topics.
CAS 100B: Group Communication
Description: Course develops group communication skills through deliberative models of communication and interpersonal communication theories.
CAS 100C: Message Analysis
Description: Course develops skills in public speaking through the emphasis of critique, similar to a basic rhetorical criticism course.
CAS 175: Persuasion and Propaganda
Description: Course teaches the historical development of propaganda in the 20th and 21st centuries.
CAS 215: Argumentation
Description: Course teaches principles and theories of argumentation, culminating in a debate showcasing student skills.
CAS 395: Forensic Practicum
Description: Course provides assessment mechanisms for students participating in speech and debate, including attendance at practices and public debate functions.