This page is a CV of sorts for my work with speech and debate over the past few years.
Penn State University
Individual Events Coach, 2017-2019
- Coached regularly speech and debate events for PSU students; traveled to tournaments
Graduate Student Director of Forensics, 2016-2017
- Coached regularly speech and debate events for PSU students; traveled to tournaments
- Taught CAS 395: Forensic Practicum for PSU speech and debate students, fall 2016
Graduate Student Director of Forensics, 2015-2016
- Organized debate against Rwandan National Team, October 2015
- Organized debate against British National Team, October 2015
- Organized Women’s Issues Forum as part of PSU’s 100 Years of Women’s Debate Series, September 2015
- Coached regularly speech and debate events for PSU students; traveled to tournaments
- Taught CAS 395: Forensic Practicum for PSU speech and debate students, spring 2016
Graduate Student Director of Forensics, 2014-2015
- Organized debate against British National Team, October 2014
- Organized Clarion public debate, September 2014
- Organized public debate on THON culture, February 2015
- Organized centennial debate versus University of Pittsburgh, April 2015
- Hosted Pennsylvania Forensic Association State Tournament, February 2015
- Coached regularly speech and debate events for PSU students; traveled to tournaments
- Organized, prepared for, and traveled to Mvubu Debates in October 2014 and Lafayette Debates in April 2015; both were special public debates in audience of the South African and French Embassies, respectively
- Taught CAS 395: Forensic Practicum for PSU speech and debate students, spring 2015
Graduate Student Co-Director of Debate, 2013-2014
- Organized debate against British National Team, October 2013
- Organized debate against Japanese National Team, March 2014
- Organized public debate on healthy relationships amongst college students, February 2014
- Coached regularly speech and debate events for PSU students; traveled to tournaments in spring 2014
Coach, 2012-2013
- Coached speech and debate events
- Assisted with public debates in spring 2013
- Helped organize public debate on drone strikes, March 2013
High School Outreach
Florida Forensic Institute
- Coached extemporaneous speaking at the Florida Forensic Institute each July/August, 2011-2015
- Coached multiple high school students to national out-rounds at NFL/NSDA nationals
Ripon High School
- Director of Forensics, Ripon High School, 2010-2011; coached students in speech events and traveled to tournaments
- Coach, Ripon High School, 2011-2012
National Forensic League
- Intern, National Forensic League (now National Speech & Debate Association), 2010-2012
- Worked in program membership development and as an information technology specialist
- Helped organize National Junior Forensic League and National Forensic League national tournaments, 2011 and 2012
Ripon College
Competitor, 2008-2012
- National champion, Forensics Criticism, National Forensic Association, spring 2012
- National finalist, Oratory, Interstate Oratorical Contest, spring 2010
- National semi-finalist, Interstate Oratorical Contest, spring 2012
- National quarter-finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking, National Forensic Association, spring 2012
- National quarter-finalist, Persuasive Speaking, National Forensic Association, spring 2012
- All-American, American Forensic Association, spring 2012
- Wisconsin state champion, Impromptu Speaking, spring 2012
- Wisconsin state champion, Extemporaneous Speaking, spring 2011
- Wisconsin state champion, Persuasive Speaking, spring 2011
- Wisconsin state champion, After Dinner Speaking, spring 2010
- Wisconsin state champion, Informative Speaking, spring 2010